“A Library is part of the educational framework of a city….I’m happy to invest in that.”

Mary Wall has supported – and used! – Charlotte Mecklenburg Library for 20 years. She was never a big traveler, but she’s been around the world in books.

“I saw an article online about someone who read a book written in every country of the world, with a list of every country and a title from each. I thought that was really interesting, so I started reading all the titles I could find,” the Matthews resident explained. “I’m really glad I did it! It gave me a glimpse into countries I knew nothing about, and it really broadened my ideas about the world.”

It took over two years, but Mary made it around most of the globe.

She’s been a reader her whole life. Growing up in an apartment in New York City, she spent a lot of time indoors. “I had to be quiet, so I’d get a book and read. Even now I sometimes reread books I read as a young girl, like the Anne of Green Gables series. It’s so interesting to see these stories again through adult eyes.”

The Matthews Library staff know her by name. She tries to read two to three books each week, and is currently reading The Anna Karenina Fix: Life Lessons from Russian Literature – a book about reading, she chuckles.

Annual, unrestricted giving allows the Library to address changing priorities in response to community needs. “As a former teacher I believe a Library is part of the educational framework of a city,” says Mary. “So many people just can’t afford to buy books, and the Library makes everything available. I love to see little children with books under their arms – they’re getting a wonderful start to a lifetime of reading. I’m happy to invest in that.”

Interested in reading around the world? Mary’s shared her list – and if you can help her fill in a title from any of the missing countries, please send your recommendations to us at foundation@cmlibrary.org and we’ll pass them along!

Beatriz Guevara
Sheri Lynch