Verse & Vino 2019 Sponsors

Verse & Vino is made possible through the generous support of corporate, foundation and individual sponsors.

We recognize the following for their support of Verse & Vino 2019:

Presenting Sponsor

First Edition Sponsor

Wine Sponsor

Best-seller Sponsors

Collector Sponsors

Table Sponsors

Lee and Alan Blumenthal
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Mary and Charles Bowman & Garrell and Lee Keesler
Brown Brothers Harriman
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority
Cherry Bekaert
Clark Nexsen Inc
Jean and Gene Cochrane
The Duke Endowment
Kimmery and James Fleischli
Selena and Rick Giovannelli
Molly and Robert Griffin & Caroline and Bob Sink
Hamilton Stephens Steele + Martin PLLC
Meredith and John Heimburger
Sarah and Joe Helweg
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Kelso Communications
Knight Foundation
Ashley and Peter Larkin

Mary Lane and Tom Lennon
Julie Lerner Levine
Loftin & Co. Printers
Joan Martin and Pat Burgess
Ellen McIntyre and Bill Morison
Katie and Walker Morris
Neighboring Concepts
New Forum
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Sally and Russell Robinson
Paige and Art Roselle
Anne and Steve Schmitt
Liz and Walker Simmons
South State Bank
UNC Charlotte
Liz and Brad Winer
Wealth Matters, LLC
Womble Bond Dickinson
Wray Ward

Individual Sponsors

Connie and Pete Carlson
Susan Daughtridge
Barbara and Wayne Ellis
Jenifer Gelome
Eboni and Tyrone Lewis
Corrie and Zach Manis
Meredith Thomas

To inquire about becoming a corporate, foundation, table or individual sponsor, contact Teleia White at 704-416-0803 or