The monthly giving option is convenient and easy, and I don’t have to think about it.”
– Elizabeth Mosley, avid Library user
I’m able to give more over the course of a year than I would with one annual gift, so monthly giving makes perfect sense.”
– Ailen Arreaza, Library trustee and monthly donor

Your Library never sleeps.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library services are available whenever and wherever you need them, through 20 branches across the County, outreach services and online.

Invest in the source you trust with a monthly gift.

Monthly giving is designed to provide sustained, dependable funding around the clock and throughout the calendar.

How it works:

You designate an affordable, convenient contribution of any amount. Your Library Foundation will process this secure transaction on the same day each month and send you monthly confirmation, a year-end summary and tax receipt. If you ever choose to change or stop your monthly contribution, simply call us at 704-416-0803 or email