Rolf Neill, 1933 – 2023
“As a child in Columbus, GA, a trip to our library was to enter a sanctuary concealing a treasure chest. It was midnight quiet inside. The lady behind the big curved desk was always friendly. The treasure chest spilled endlessly with books of all kinds – and the spree was free! More than 70 years later, my Charlotte Mecklenburg Library remains special but expanded beyond books. Librarians assist in filling out job forms, answer tax questions, teach computer literacy and so much more. A sanctuary. A treasure chest. Changed but unchanged. Everybody’s welcome. I still get a thrill.”
Image above: Peter Taylor
Smart, charming, and kind Rolfe Neill was the guy you wanted in your corner. With his sharp wit and fierce convictions, he knew his place in the world was to make it better for everyone else.
Rolfe, best known for being the publisher of The Charlotte Observer, passed away this past weekend at 90. He was dedicated to reporting the truth and upholding intellectual freedom. Naturally, being a steadfast Library supporter wasn’t a big leap.
A sculpture was created outside of ImaginOn in 2005 in his honor and captured many of Rolfe’s words of wisdom from his time at The Charlotte Observer. Enjoy them here, then make a plan to see them in person.