To-do? Done and Doing!

“Nobody likes to see libraries closed, but we’re using the time productively.”

Around the country, people staying home to stop the spread of COVID-19 are finding plenty to do – they’re tackling to-do lists.

Your Library is no different.

“Like many homeowners, we’re making the most of this unexpected downtime,” explains Peter Jareo, the Library’s operations leader. “We try not to close Library locations unless it’s absolutely necessary, so maintenance work is typically scheduled after hours, which can be both costly and time-consuming. With all the branches closed, we can tackle several projects at once and get them done quickly and without surcharges.”

Projects Jareo has been able to address so far include bringing in an electrician with a lift to change specialty light bulbs at ImaginOn, cleaning out Main Library’s basement storage areas, and repaving the parking lot at Myers Park Library. Next on his list? Installation of new carpeting and automatic doors at Mint Hill Library.

“With the buildings empty, it’s easy for contractors to maintain a safe distance from one another, and complete jobs quickly. When libraries reopen, staff and customers will find them clean and refreshed. Nobody wants to see our libraries closed, but I feel good that we’re using this time productively.”

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