Your Library Foundation just closed its seventh fiscal year. And because of you, there’s a lot to celebrate.
We are grateful and inspired to report that in fiscal year 2019, private investment in our Library totaled over $1.5 million. This is remarkably consistent with 2018, despite national trends of falling donations. Investments came from nearly 1600 donors, and over 400 of those were first-time Library supporters. Carnegie Circle members – Library supporters who contribute over $1,000 annually – have increased by 12.5%, and we’ve doubled the number of monthly donors.
Because of this community’s generosity, the Foundation was able to increase general operating support to the Library by 50% over last year, and provide each location with an allocation for staff recognition. Support from Vanguard has provided a laptop vending machine at the West Boulevard location, and AARP has invested in digital literacy programs for seniors. Over $260,000 has been allocated toward signature literacy initiatives including Summer Break, Community Read and Active Reading workshops, and additional funds have been directed toward college and career readiness for teens.
This collection of funds is intended to generate a permanent source of Library funding, some earmarked for the long-term support of specific programs like the growth and ongoing digitization of the Carolina Room’s historical collection, and other funds are unrestricted and can be allocated to meet unexpected or changing needs and new initiatives.
Your generosity impacts our whole community by sustaining and growing your Library as a dynamic hub of education, access and opportunity. Thank you for improving lives and building a stronger community.