A Simple Way to Triple Your Gift

Caroleen Burroughs has been a reader, a Library user, and Library supporter for years. But this year, she upped her game.

“For my birthday, I ran a Facebook fundraiser benefitting the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation. I asked my friends to make donations on my behalf. Then I matched their donations and my employer matched my donation. This tripled everyone’s original donation.”

In the end, Caroleen’s friends gave $1245, she matched it, and her employer matched again bringing her total gift to $3735.

“A lot of people don’t realize how simple it is as an employee to match gifts. I work for Microsoft, which is very generous and matches up to $15,000 in time and financial donations for each employee. The process is different for every company, but in my case it was very simple and fast, and not to do it leaves money unclaimed that could go to a cause the employee cares about.”

Caroleen grew up using the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. She’s an avid reader and recognizes her personal savings by using the Library. She also sees the Library’s value to the larger community. “It’s really an equalizer. It offers education and resources and opportunity to everyone, free for the taking. There’s no judgement, no money required.”

In addition to the Facebook fundraiser Caroleen hosted a birthday party and asked friends to make a gift to the Library instead of bringing presents to her. These gifts were added to her total matched. “My friends were very generous! I think the opportunity to triple their gifts was a great incentive, and the Library – especially the new Main Library – is such a great cause, everyone sees the value.”

To learn more about matching gift programs, check with your employer’s HR department or contact Teleia White at 704-416-0803.


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