The Update for October 23, 2023

A festive fall at the Library with Mark Kutny and George Sistrunk at Around the World in 21 Branches with their “Brewey Decimal” beer launch, Elisha “Mother” Minter drumming and storytelling at our Matthews event, County Manager Dena Diorio at the PNC grant announcement and Library CEO Marcellus Turner handing out prizes for Around the World scavenger hunt completers.

Hello —

The last three weeks have been an incredibly busy, inspiring, and magical time for your Library Foundation. In the last week alone…

…our Around the World in 21 Branches tour landed at the Matthews Library,

…we hosted a press conference to announce a $500,000 grant from PNC Foundation for early literacy initiatives as part of the CommonSpark campaign,

…we joined our friends at Town Brewing for our third Whistle Stop introducing the new Main Library project to dozens of new friends and enjoying “Brewey Decimal” strawberry blond ale, a delicious new brew they created to help support the Library,

…oh, and let’s not forget the astonishing ticket sales and sponsorships for our 10th annual Verse & Vino literary event. Your engagement and support of the Library is keeping us on our toes – and we could not be happier or more grateful.

I’d also like to recognize our wonderful board member Caroleen Towery. She hosted a party for her birthday, raising donations for the Library Foundation from more than 50 of her friends. We think joining special occasions with philanthropy is a great idea. Connect with us — we can help you set up a fundraiser of your own.

It’s hard to believe, but holiday giving season is right around the corner. I hope the Library Foundation makes your charitable list this year. Perhaps instead of giving presents, consider making a gift to CMLF in honor of your favorite aunt or brother, your book club friends, or even a favorite bookish neighbor.

As always thank you for all you do to make Charlotte Mecklenburg Library an incredible free community asset for all!


Jenni Gaisbauer, CFRE
Executive Director

P.S. I look forward to seeing many of you at Verse & Vino on November 2. The event has officially sold out, but we are adding a few additional tables to meet the demand so if you haven’t purchased your ticket, I recommend you do ASAP.

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