The Power to Lead: Staff Giving Campaign 2020

As an employee of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, your gift to the Foundation is especially meaningful. It illustrates your commitment, confidence, and personal investment in the success of the Library and our community. You know the Library makes a difference for citizens of all ages, and we appreciate everything you do to make this true. We sincerely appreciate your support.

You are the Foundation’s best ambassadors

Communities trust libraries because libraries trust communities. Our community chooses to invest in our Library because of:

  • Your relationships
  • Your commitment
  • Your professionalism

Your investment makes a difference

You see it, every day in every branch. Last fiscal year, over 1600 donors (including 147 staff members) invested over $1.5 million in Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Here’s where those funds were allocated in FY 2019:

  • General Library Support $350,000
  • Branch allocations for staff development $20,000
  • Technology improvements (RFID tagging, makerspaces) $154,173
  • Donor restricted branch and program funds $68,859
  • Literacy initiatives $265,550
  • College and Career readiness $12,000
  • Gifts to Endowment $2,925
  • Collections and acquisitions $22,353
  • Foundation operating expenses $450,000
  • Fiscal Year 2020 initiatives $161,059

Why We Give

Over the last three years, staff members have shared what inspires them to invest in the Library.

This year’s goal: Increase participation

Together, we can continue to expand the culture of philanthropy among Library staff and lead the community in Library support. The goal of this year’s campaign is 40% participation among Library staff.

Our community supports the Library because of you. Thank you for your leadership.

New or Highlighted Features for 2020:
You Decide!

Like every donor, you decide how your investment will be used. There’s a handy drop-down menu on the donation form – use it to tell us where to direct your gift.

Be a Hero!

The staff giving form includes a custom set of ecards you can send to coworkers with a personal note to let them know you’ve honored them with your gift.

Monthly Giving

This option allows you to spread your gift over time.

Because you’re the source our customers trust.
